Orthotic therapy
Orthotic therapy
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Custom Made Orthotics are a highly accurate and durable device that can be used to treat a wide range of issues. These orthotics can be used to offer support to specific areas of the foot or to offload pressure. There is a large range of designs and materials that give us a multitude of options when designing these devices, allowing for an outcome most appropriate for your needs. When prescribing and manufacturing these orthotics a 3D scan of your feet is taken which is then sent to an orthotics laboratory. The orthotics are then made according to our prescription and typically take around 7 days to be completed.
Pre-fabricated orthotics are a heat moldable device that are extremely versatile. These orthotics can be used to offer support to the foot, or to offload specific pressure areas. Prescription of these orthotics involves a full biomechanical assessment. We then customise these devices with a range of additions and then heat mould them to your foot.
At any stage during the recovery from your injury you may require an ankle brace, ankle foot orthoses or moon boot. We can apply for funding for all of these aids and assist you with fitting and the appropriate use. In most ACC cases these aids will be fully funded.
Lakes Podiatry hold an ACC orthotic contract. This contract means that in most cases patients with a valid ACC claim will receive full funding for their orthotic devices.